A few days ago I met one of my friends Who told me that he traded a little bit of money and made it twice as much I was shocked when I heard this! I thought to myself, is it this simple to increase your money twice or thrice as much? So, even I started to trade And I started my trade with 10,000 Rupees But my trade of 10,000 Rupees, in ten days reduced to become 5,000 Rupees I suffered such a big loss only in ten days What was the reason behind this? Why, during trade, do we lose our money so quickly? Today, we will discuss the difference between investing and trading And how there is more of a chance to lose money while trading And how there are more chances to earn money while investing let us try to understand the difference between investing and trading I will explain it to you with a very simple example Suppose I have some money and I decide to buy an apartment I bought the apartment and in 10-15 days, the value of the apartment doubled, so I sold it I took my pro...